• Supplementary Material (Videos and Articles)

    Some of the concepts that will be discussed in the class room and in your readings are difficult to grasp. The links below will direct you to articles and videos with graphics that may prove helpful.

    There are also some mindblowing topics covered by some of the links that we will only touch briefly in the class due to lack of time.

  • Problem Sets

    There will be a total of 6 problem sets assigned over the course of the semester. Jointly these will comprise 40% of your final mark. The assignments (and their due dates as well as an outline of suitable responses) will be posted here. Please check this page regularly.

    All students are expected to EITHER drop off their solutions to the assigned problems with the secretaries in the PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY main office by 3pm of the posted due date OR email your solutions in PDF format directly to the course marking assistant. If you email your solutions, the file must be PDF and the subject of the email must include your name and "PHYS 303 / RCS 303 PROBLEM SET NUMBER XXXX" where XXX =1, 2, ... 6.

    To receive a non-failing final course grade, students must - at the very least, submit the LAST FOUR COURSE problem sets and sit for the final exam. The actual course grade will depend on the scores received on the problem sets, midterms and the final exam.

    For further details about submission requirements etc., please see Grading Scheme

    If you require assistance with the problem sets, I recommend - in the first instance - visiting the Physics Aid Service offered by the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Click on the link for information about the room and schedule information.

  • Midterm Test

    The scores of the midterm exam will comprise 25% of the final course mark.

    To receive a non-failing final course grade, students must - at the very least, submit the LAST FOUR COURSE problem sets and sit for the final exam. The actual course grade will depend on the scores received on the problem sets, midterms and the final exam.

    For further details about submission requirements etc., please see Grading Scheme

  • Final Exam
    (or optional Term-End Essay for RCS303 Students)

    The scores from the final exam (term-end essay --- see Grading Scheme for details) will comprise 35% of the final course mark.

    To receive a non-failing final course grade, students must - at the very least, submit the LAST FOUR COURSE problem sets and sit for the final exam. The actual course grade will depend on the scores received on the problem sets, midterms and the final exam.

    For further details about submission requirements etc., please see Grading Scheme


  • Course Experience Survey

    Towards the end of term, you will have the opportunity to complete an anonymous survey regarding your learning experience (CES). The survey is vital to providing feedback to me regarding the course, as well as to help the department improve the overall program for students in the future. In due course, you will receive an email inviting you to do so.

    To make sure you receive the invite, please ensure that your current email address is listed in MyPage (http://uvic.ca/mypage) . If you do not receive an email invitation, you can go directly to http://ces.uvic.ca . You will need to use your UVic netlink ID to access the survey, which can be done on your laptop, tablet, or mobile device. I will remind you and provide you with more detailed information nearer the time


    Physics and Astronomy majors (or potential majors)
    should note that this course cannot be used to satisfy
    their program credit requirements, but can be taken
    as one of their free (i.e. unrestricted) electives.

    Please check with me or with the department administrator.