The "percent-to-letter-grade" conversion to be used in this course is specified HERE .

Students enrolled in RCS 303 can opt to submit a 3000 word (doublespaced) essay instead of the final exam. Students interested in this option must speak to me before the Reading Break week to discuss potential topics that speak to issues in science and religion, etc.

All handwritten submissions (problem sets, midterm, final exam, etc.) must be written clearly and legibly. If we cannot read your writing or have to devote an excessive amount of time to trying to make out what you have written, we will NOT mark the item in question. As a guide, make sure your writing is at least as large as a typical 12 pt font; use either ink or a dark pencil; etc.

Problem Sets:             40% of final grade

The term work for this course will comprise of 6 problem sets. The problem set questions will be drawn from lecture material, classroom discussions and assigned readings. The problem sets and their due dates will be posted HERE . Please check this website for assignments and due dates. Solutions to the problem sets will also be posted on the same page a few days after the due date.

All students are expected to drop off their solutions to the assigned problems with the secretaries in the PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY main office by 3pm of the posted due date. If the marking assistant is agreeable, you are welcome to email your solutions in PDF format directly to the him/her. If you email your solutions, the file must be PDF and the subject of the email must include your name and "PHYS 303 / RCS 303 PROBLEM SET NUMBER XXXX" where XXX =1, 2, ... 6.

Late assignments will NOT be accepted except in case of illness or other unavoidable circumstances accepted by the Faculty of Science as legitimate reasons. In these instances, independent supporting documentation will be required. Please note that in case of PLANNED absence (eg. sports meets, research travel, etc.) on the due date, students will be expected to complete and submit solutions in advance.

ALL students MUST submit the last four problem sets otherwise a final grade of N will be assigned.

If you find that you require assistance with some of the calculations, you should - in the first instance - seek the assistance of the Physics Aid Service offered by the Department of Physics and Astronomy. The schedule and other pertinent information is available HERE .

The problem set solutions will be marked by the course Marking Assistant. All questions concerning the marking scheme, solutions, etc. ought to be directed to him/her in the first instance. I am happy to address questions once the marking assistant has had an opportunity to address the concerns.

Midterm Test:             25%

Sometime in the middle of second month (October or February, depending on the semester), there will be a midterm test that will be worth 25% of the final mark.The questions on this test will be drawn from the problem sets, classroom presentations, as well as assigned readings. The questions will consist of simple work-through quantitative problems and/or short essay questions.

The test is designed to test the breadth of your understanding, not the depth. Long detailed answers (unless specifically requested) are neither necessary nor preferred. In fact, it is in your interest to practise answering questions in a concise and "to the point" manner, lest you run out of time.

Final Exam:               35%
(RCS students may submit a 3000-word essay instead. Speak to me before the Reading Break)

There will be a 2-to-2.5 hours long final exam at the end of the term. The exam will cover all the material discussed during the class lectures and in the assigned reading, with a slight focus on material covered after the mid-term. The exam will be similar in style to the midterm.

Please note that students MUST sit the final exam otherwise a final grade of N will be assigned.

HST image: "Star Nursery" Artwork: "Starbirth"